The Poultry Club Celebrates Continued Patronage of His Majesty King Charles III

Press Release

For Immediate Release: May 20, 2024

The Poultry Club Celebrates Continued Patronage of His Majesty King Charles III
The Poultry Club is delighted to announce that His Majesty King Charles III has graciously confirmed his continued patronage of the charity, affirming his enduring support for rural communities and poultry enthusiasts. This continued patronage highlights the significance of the poultry fancy as a cherished hobby enjoyed by many across the nation

Established in 1877, The Poultry Club has been a cornerstone for poultry breeders and hobbyists, promoting excellence in breeding, exhibition, and animal welfare. Since the days of Queen Victoria, members of the royal family have been keen poultry keepers and exhibitors. The late Queen Mother won many trophies at shows with her birds. His Majesty’s patronage is not only a great honour but also a testament to both his own family’s and The Poultry Club’s dedication to these pursuits.
Chairman Lee Grant comments: "We are profoundly grateful to His Majesty King Charles III for his continued patronage. This support underscores the importance of our mission and serves as a source of inspiration for our members. The poultry fancy is a hobby that brings joy and fulfilment to many, and His Majesty’s continued involvement with the club further elevates its standing as the home of poultry within the UK".

The Poultry Club offers a range of benefits to its members and the wider poultry fancy, including access to educational resources, participation in prestigious exhibitions, access to the judges panel and The British Poultry Standards alongside opportunities for community engagement. His Majesty’s patronage enhances these benefits, providing members with a sense of pride and recognition of their hobby.
Keeping, breeding and exhibiting poultry is more than just a pastime; it is a celebration of heritage, biodiversity, and sustainable practices. Enthusiasts of all ages and backgrounds come together to share knowledge, exhibit their birds, and promote the well-being of pure and traditional poultry breeds. The continued support from His Majesty King Charles III highlights the cultural and environmental importance of our hobby.

The Poultry Club remains committed to fostering a welcoming and supportive environment for all its members. Under the patronage of His Majesty, the club will continue to advance its educational programmes, breed conservation efforts, and high-standard exhibitions, ensuring the growth and enrichment of the poultry fancy community and its pure breed poultry.

For more information about the Poultry Club, membership benefits, and upcoming events, please visit or contact

About The Poultry Club
Founded in 1877, The Poultry Club is dedicated to promoting and supporting poultry breeding and exhibition. The charity serves as a hub for enthusiasts, providing education, advocacy, and a platform for showcasing the best in poultry breeds. With a focus on pure and traditional breeds, the club plays a vital role in preserving poultry heritage and fostering a passionate inclusive community.

Lee Grant